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Top 10 World’s Secrets, either they are mystery or undisclosed

The World we live in is quite sorcerer and when flip the pages of history, we discover so many secrets & mysteries buried in an anonymous grave. It is better if few things are not explored till day but we continue to ponder over them. It may be fatal to reveal a few but more we keep isolated the more it gets an attention and a desire to break the mystery behind. Keeping this thought aside for a while let’s take a look at the top 10 kept secrets of the World in this article.

KFC meal and Recipe

If you want to recreate the taste of KFC at your home then it is a dream that will never come true. KFC has kept their recipe private and has never disclosed or preserve an intention to do so. This is World’s one of top secret that the KFC has maintained since it was set up. The famous Chicken dish of KFC prepared by Herland Sanders in 1930 leads him to build a chain of restaurants across the world. May be, it is this secret guarded in the HQ of the company is one of the attributes to their success.


Mezhgorye is one closed town, situated in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. It is believed that the people living in the area is on mission and works on the highly classified secret programs around the magnificent mountains of Mount Yama-Taw. Nobody really knows what all things are there and what they are doing. Moreover, no one is allowed to enter.

Oil Deposits in the USA

Exact oil mining location in the US is still unknown to the public as the US Government has kept it undisclosed. The reason is simple that the richer purchase the lands to build their own wells and earn crazily by making it as a business. There is untold rule, if you find oil deposits or any mining properties on your land, you are supposed to report it and the Government will buy the land and you have to sign an agreement to keep the location a secret. This way, the location of the exact mining for oil is one of the best-kept secrets of the world covered by the US Government.

Adolf Hitler Mystery

It is widely known that Adolf Hitler’s death was a suicide and he killed himself in his underground bunker. History says the death happened on 30th April 1945 but what extent it is true, that is a subject of debate. This question arises afterward looking at the evidence from FBI internal documents uttering that the Government had an information about Hitler being alive after World War two. This doesn’t seem to be fake as there were no options left for Hitler and he had to escape from Germany for his own survival. Surprisingly FBI kept this as a secret and the reason for it is still under cover.

Vatican Secret Rooms

The famous Vatican City, with all its magnificent structure is not as easy to get to as you may think. The place houses one archive, where only a few can enter. Some people believe that it houses evidences of extra-terrestrial life. Others say it has stored ancient texts that controvert the existence of Jesus. So, whatever this hidden library houses is, nobody knows the actual truth and one is also allowed to explore about.


We have seen and heard a lot about HIV/AIDS dieses & have been a part of discussions about the origin of HIV and there are so many theories formulated with an attempt to know the horse’s mouth. Sources believe that HIV originated from Africa, but what about those whispers saying HIV being manufactured in the laboratory by scientists. Is HIV Man-made?

Conspiracy theorists believe that the treatment for HIV has been found. In that case, why it has not been shared? What’s the intention behind it? Well, the science has no answer to it and so it is considered as a mystery yet to be resolved.

Unidentified years of Jesus in India

Unknown years of Jesus or Silent years refers to the time between Jesus’s childhood and the beginning of his ministry which is mystic as there is no reference to it in the New Testament. There are conspiracies stating that Jesus spent a part of his life in Kashmir learning and experiencing about the rooted spirituality of India. The New Testament symbols the age 12-30 of Jesus’s life as a black hole meaning having no evidence of his being where. If he lived in India, then the question arises about the origin of Christianity. This one secret when unravels will shake the beliefs of millions.

 Zion Church Lady Mary

The church of Saint Mary of Zion was the traditional place where Ethiopian Emperors came to be crowned. And indeed, if an Emperor was not crowned at Axum, or did not at least have his coronation ratified by a special service at St. Mary of Zion, he could not be referred to by the title of “Atse”.

 The structure is believed to contain some of the most important biblical objects like the original Ark of the Covenant. Keeping in mind the significance, no one can make a visit to the place.

Nervous story of Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world has few secrets camouflaged in the back door of history. According to the book, ‘The true story of Taj Mahal’, the fort was originally a Shiva temple built during Rajput rule at Agra. Later when Shah Jahan wins a battle against Rajput’s, he conquers the temple and names it as Mumtaj Mahal.
However no official consent has given to this by any Government bodies but the mystery gets stronger to see few rooms closed in the fort from the time of shah Jahan and according to researchers, probably these rooms contain proof that tomb was a temple of Shiva. There is a wait and time has an answer to everything barring the conspiracy of Taj Mahal being a matter of debate.

So, these were few of the best-kept secrets of the World. If you have read about this and has an information to share then please share with us in the comments below.

Room 39, North Korea

As we all know, It is quite difficult to get into North Korea and don’t ever imagine trying to get into Room 39. It is a mysterious North Korean government facility that is said to be a centre of several illegal operations including counterfeiting $100 bills, international insurance fraud and production of drugs. Many claim that Room 39 is the major reason for Kim Jong’s continued power, enabling him to buy political support, funds and nuclear weapons. So whatever information is available this is only speculation and affirmed by anyone.

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Kumar Vimlesh

Kumar Vimlesh is an educator, financial planner and marketer. He has over 15 years of experience in investing, money market, taxation, financial planning, marketing and business development.

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