Books Reviews

All Time Best 10 Personal Finance Books You Must Read| Best Personal Finance Books 2023|

In March 2023, a study found that 53% of world people have less than $2,00 savings in the bank. It gets worse when this study told over half of those people don’t have enough money to cover a $3,00 expense at all. To spend this much money, they need to borrow money.

It’s not bad because “you must save money,” but because having no emergency fund can put you in a vulnerable position. What if someone crashes into your car? What if you break a few bones? What if your beloved become ill? What if you get fired? Things out of your control can force you to pay up. You don’t want to come up short when that happens.

That’s just the most pressing example of why you should learn to manage your finances. There are other reasons too: Retiring in peace without stressing about money, having enough to invest in a new venture, giving freely to friends, family, and charity etc. There are people who say money is not everything but you must understand that every penny does make our lives easier up to a certain degree.

Thankfully, we are in the world where, there are a lot of good books which can help us to become financially smart. At this juncture when we have gone thru a lot of personal finance books, there are certain numbers which amplify and enrich our knowledge. Without shed of doubt “Rich Dad and Poor Dad” is best one and must-read book, but there are other books also which should be read. So, in this article we shall know about all time best 10 personal finance books you must read.

We think the best personal finance books come down to four things:

  1. Practical advice
  2. Relevant information
  3. Easy to understand
  4. Inspiring stories

On the basis of above criteria and personal reading experience here we have selected top 10 must read books in addition of “Rich Dad and Poor Dad” on personal finance: –

1.”The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach:

“The Automatic Millionaire” by David Bach is a kind of which highly recommended book for beginners in personal finance. It offers practical and achievable strategies for building wealth over the time.

In “The Automatic Millionaire,” David Bach introduces the concept of “paying yourself first” and emphasizes the power of automation in achieving financial success. He emphasizes that by setting up automatic systems for saving, investing, and debt repayment. Individuals can make consistent progress toward their financial goals without relying solely on willpower.

This book covers various topics which includes, creating a financial plan, budgeting effectively, saving for retirement, purchasing a home, and protecting assets through insurance. Bach provides actionable steps and real-life examples to illustrate his principles.

One of the key concepts in the book is the “Latte Factor,” that highlights how even a small daily expense, like buying a daily cup of coffee, can add up over the time and affect long-term financial goals. Writer David Bach inspires readers to identify their Latte Factor and redirect that money toward savings and investments.

“The Automatic Millionaire” also emphasizes the importance of homeownership as a means of building wealth and explores strategies for paying off mortgages early. Additionally, the book discusses retirement planning and the power of compound interest.

2.”A Random Walk Down Wall Street” by Burton G. Malkiel:

“A Random Walk Down Wall Street” by Burton G. Malkiel is another classic book that provides valuable insights into investing and offers a compelling argument for passive investing strategies.

In “A Random Walk Down Wall Street,” Malkiel challenges the notions of successfully predicting the stock market and advocates for idea of the efficient market hypothesis. He argues that stock prices already reflect all available information and therefore, attempting to outperform the market consistently is next to impossible.

This book covers wide range of investment topics, including stock market, fundamental and technical analysis, mutual funds, index funds, and asset allocation. Malkiel stresses the importance of diversification and advises against market timing and stock picking.

Malkiel introduces the concept of passive investing, particularly through index funds. He argues, that by investing in broad-based market indexes, investors can capture the overall market returns at a low cost, outperforming many active investment strategies over the long period of time.

The book also researches into behavioural finance, highlighting common investor biases and emotional pitfalls that may hinder investment success. Malkiel encourages investors to take a disciplined and rational approach to investing, avoiding the temptations of market speculation and excessive trading.

Throughout this book, Malkiel presents evidence, historical data, and academic researches to support his arguments. He provides tools to make informed investment decisions while debunking common myths and misconceptions in the financial industry to readers.

3.”The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss:

“The 4-Hour Workweek” encounters traditional notion of working long hours and waiting until retirement to enjoy life. Ferriss advocates for creating a lifestyle that allows individuals to work less and focus on their passions and personal priorities.

The book covers various topics, including time management, outsourcing, automation, and entrepreneurship. Ferriss introduces the concept of “lifestyle design,” which involves identifying what truly matters to individuals and finding ways to optimize their time and resources to achieve those goals.

Ferriss shares his personal experiences and provides practical tips and strategies for achieving greater efficiency and effectiveness in work. He encourages readers to question societal norms and explore alternative work arrangements such as remote work, freelancing, and entrepreneurship.

One key concept in the book is the idea of outsourcing non-essential tasks. Ferriss suggests delegating repetitive or time-consuming tasks to virtual assistants or freelancers to free up more time for meaningful activities.

“The 4-Hour Workweek” also emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals, focusing on high-value tasks, and embracing the concept of “mini-retirements” instead postponing enjoyment until traditional retirement age.

While the title of this book may suggest a literal four-hour workweek, Ferriss acknowledges that it is more about achieving work-life balance and finding ways to optimize time and productivity. “The 4-Hour Workweek” encourages readers to challenge the status quo, think outside of the box and pursue a life of freedom and fulfilment.

It’s very important to note, the strategies and ideas presented in “The 4-Hour Workweek” may not be applicable and feasible for everyone, depending upon individual circumstances and career choices, but it offers thought-provoking concepts and actionable advice for individuals who seeking alternative approaches to work and life.

4.”The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing” by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, and Michael LeBoeuf:

“The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing” is an easy-to-understand and practical book. This book provides guidance to such individual investors who are looking to build wealth through long-term by opting low-cost investment strategies.

Authors of the book explain concept of passive investing and advocate for investing in broad-based index funds that track performance of entire markets, rather than attempting to beat the market through active stock picking or doing market timing.

This book also provides insights on portfolio construction, rebalancing, and risk management. It discusses about benefits of investment diversification across different asset classes to reduce exposure due to specific risks.

Additionally, “The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing” addresses common investor pitfalls, such as chasing hot investment trends, succumbing to emotional biases, and market timing. The authors emphasize the importance of disciplined, long-term investing and sticking to a well-thought-out investment plan.

Throughout the book, the authors provide real-world examples, practical advice, and recommend resources for further learning. They also address common questions and concerns raised by beginners, making the content accessible to readers with varying levels of investment knowledge.

5.”Your Money or Your Life” by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez:

“Your Money or Your Life” challenges conventional views of money and consumerism, urging readers to examine the true cost of their financial decisions in terms of the time & energy required to earn money.

The book introduces the concept of the “Money-Life” equation, which emphasizes that money is a representation of our life energy. It encourages readers to evaluate their spending habits and align them with their values and priorities.

One of the central ideas in the book is the concept of financial independence, also known as achieving “FI” or “FIRE” (Financial Independence, Retire Early). Robin and Dominguez provide a nine-step program that guides readers towards achieving financial independence by focusing on reducing expenses, increasing savings, and investing wisely.

“Your Money or Your Life” explores topics such as budgeting, debt management, investing, and finding fulfillment beyond material possessions. It encourages readers to pursue a simpler and more intentional lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness, gratitude, and environmental sustainability.

The book also delves into the environmental and social impacts of consumerism, highlighting the potential benefits of conscious spending and reducing one’s ecological footprint.

Throughout the book, the authors emphasize on practical exercises, real-life examples, and thought-provoking questions to help readers to gain deep understanding of their financial situation and make informed choices.

6.”The Simple Path to Wealth” by J.L. Collins:

“The Simple Path to Wealth” book provides a straightforward approach about investing and building wealth. Collins sanitizes complex financial concepts into easy, understandable principles and offers practical advice to readers at all stages of their financial journey.

This book stresses on the power of low-cost index fund investing as a most reliable and effective ways to grow wealth in long run. Collins advocates for passive investing rather active investing and highlighting benefits of broad market exposure, diversification, and long-term mindset.

Collins shares his own experiences and lessons learned from investing, including insights from his conversations with legendary investor Jack Bogle, the founder of Vanguard Group. He addresses common concerns and misconceptions about investing, debunking myths and offering clarity on topics like market volatility and market timing.

“The Simple Path to Wealth” covers essential investment topics such as asset allocation, understanding risk, tax efficiency, and the importance of staying the course during market fluctuations. Collins also provides guidance on choosing the right investment accounts, such as retirement accounts and taxable brokerage accounts.

Apart from investing, the book also explores broader aspects of personal finance, comprising frugality, avoiding debt, and understanding relationship between money and happiness. Collins encourages readers to cultivate a savings mindset and prioritize financial independence over excessive consumption.

Throughout the book, Collins emphasizes simplicity and taking a hands-off approach to investing. The author of this book provides specific investment recommendations and step-by-step guidance for setting up a low-cost, diversified investment portfolio on the basis of his own experience.

7.”The Millionaire Fastlane” by MJ DeMarco:

“The Millionaire Fastlane” focuses on the idea of escaping the traditional slow lane of wealth accumulation, such as working a 9-to-5 job or relying on traditional savings and retirement plans. DeMarco presents an alternative path to wealth creation that he calls the “Fastlane.”

The book argues that conventional financial advice, which often promotes long-term savings, frugality, and deferred gratification, may not lead to significant wealth in a reasonable timeframe. Instead, DeMarco proposes a framework based on entrepreneurship, business ownership, and leveraging technology to create wealth rapidly.

DeMarco encourages readers to shift their mindset from being consumers to being producers. Author emphasizes importance of providing value to others through entrepreneurship and business ownership, which he believes, are key drivers of wealth creation.

“The Millionaire Fastlane” explores various topics related to business and wealth, including identifying profitable market opportunities, developing unique value propositions, marketing and branding, and building scalable businesses. The book also emphasizes the significance of financial education and the ability to take calculated risks.

DeMarco challenges the notion of traditional retirement and advocates for creating financial freedom by building businesses and generating passive income streams that can provide ongoing wealth and freedom.

While “The Millionaire Fastlane” offers a different perspective on wealth creation, it’s important to note that the book’s ideas may not be suitable or achievable for everyone. Entrepreneurship and business ownership involve inherent risks and require significant effort, skills, and perseverance.

8.”I Will Teach You to Be Rich” by Ramit Sethi:

“I Will Teach You to Be Rich” focuses on a step-by-step approach about personal finance, offers actionable advice that readers may try to implement immediately. Ramit Sethi underlines importance of taking control of your financial life and making conscious decisions that align with your goals and values.

In addition, this book covers various aspects of personal finance, such as budgeting, saving, banking, investing, and automating your finances. Sethi through this book provides specific tips on optimizing credit cards, negotiating better deals, and maximizing rewards programs.

“I Will Teach You to Be Rich” explores importance of setting financial goals and automating your finances to make saving and investing a seamless part of your life. Sethi provides practical scripts and templates for negotiating bills, saving on major purchases, and managing money efficiently.

The book also addresses common psychological barriers to financial success, such as procrastination and fear of investing. Sethi encourages readers to overcome these obstacles and take action towards their financial goals.

“I Will Teach You to Be Rich” introduces the concept of conscious spending, which involves cutting costs on things that don’t bring joy or value while focusing on spending money on things that truly matter to you. Sethi emphasizes the importance of enjoying life now while also planning for the future.

Additionally, the book covers investment strategies and retirement planning, providing insights on asset allocation, diversification, and long-term wealth building. Sethi simplifies complex investment concepts and provides recommendations for getting started with investing.

9.”The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel:

“The Psychology of Money” delves into the mindset and emotions that drive our relationship with money. Housel emphasizes that understanding human behaviour and psychology is crucial for making sound financial decisions.

The book explores various psychological phenomena and biases that impact our financial choices, such as loss aversion, overconfidence, and the tendency to anchor our decisions on past experiences. Housel highlights how these biases can lead to irrational financial behaviour and hinder our long-term financial success.

“The Psychology of Money” also emphasizes the importance of adopting a long-term perspective and embracing uncertainty. Housel argues that successful financial outcomes often come from patience, discipline, and the ability to navigate unpredictable market conditions.

Through real-life stories and examples, Housel illustrates key principles of financial behaviour and provides insights on wealth accumulation, investing, and risk management. He emphasizes the value of simplicity, humility, and understanding the difference between wealth and money.

This book encounters common beliefs about money and success, and emphasize true financial well-being is not solely about amassing large sums of money but rather having a sense of security and the freedom to make choices aligned with one’s values.

Furthermore, “The Psychology of Money” highlights the impact of personal circumstances and luck on financial outcomes. Housel acknowledges the role of factors outside of our control and encourages readers to focus on factors they can influence, such as saving, investing wisely, and maintaining a realistic perspective on wealth.

The book also addresses the concept of financial independence and the pursuit of financial goals. Housel discusses the trade-offs between wealth and happiness, emphasizing the importance of finding a balance that aligns with individual values and priorities.

10.”The Financial Diet” by Chelsea Fagan and Lauren Ver Hage:

“The Financial Diet” takes a holistic approach on personal finance, and covers various aspects of money management, budgeting and saving into investing and building wealth. This book purposes to help readers to develop healthy financial habits and gain control over their money.

Fagan and Ver Hage emphasize the importance of understanding one’s relationship with money and how it impacts financial decisions. They encourage readers to identify their financial goals and values, which serve as a foundation for making informed choices.

The book provides practical advice on creating a budget, tracking expenses, and saving money. It offers tips for reducing unnecessary spending, negotiating better deals, and finding affordable alternatives.

“The Financial Diet” also addresses topics such as debt management, building credit, and navigating financial institutions. It offers strategies for paying off debt, managing student loans, and improving credit scores.

Apart from day-to-day money management, the book explores long-term financial planning and investing. It covers retirement savings, investment options, and the importance of starting early to benefit from compound interest.

What sets “The Financial Diet” apart is its relatable and conversational style. Fagan and Ver Hage share personal anecdotes and stories from their own financial journeys, making the content engaging and relatable to readers.

The book also addresses the emotional and psychological aspects of money, including the impact of social pressures and comparison. It provides insights on how to navigate financial decisions in a world filled with consumerism and societal expectations.

Furthermore, “The Financial Diet” goes beyond the numbers and encourages readers to focus on overall well-being. It covers topics such as self-care, career development, and building a fulfilling life while being mindful of financial choices.

It’s worth noting that “The Financial Diet” is primarily targeted toward millennial readers, particularly young professionals and individuals in their twenties and thirties. However, the principles and advice presented can be beneficial for readers of any age or financial situation.

Summary: After going thru multiple books on Personal Finance, I admit these all 10 books are best in the industry for all range and class of people. These books offer a relatable and comprehensive guide onto personal finance, blending practical advice with personal stories and insights. These all books can empower readers to take control of their finances, develop healthy money habits, and work towards their financial goals while balancing overall well-being.

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Kumar Vimlesh

Kumar Vimlesh is an educator, financial planner and marketer. He has over 15 years of experience in investing, money market, taxation, financial planning, marketing and business development.

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